Immigrant Story: Julie Campos

I am excited I get to share my immigrant background with the WINvcommunity this month. Although, I am not an immigrant myself, both of my parents are immigrants. My dad grew up in Michoacan, Mexico and my mother was born and raised in Comala, Colima, Mexico (Pueblo Mágico). Both of my parents came to the United States in the early 1980’s as teens and later on met each other in Pasco, Washington. Due to their historical timing of their emigration, both of them were eligible for amnesty. My mother became a U.S. citizen in 1995 and my dad in 2006. I genuinely believe their ability to become U.S. Citizens has positively impacted and influenced my family and me.

Although there were some challenges growing up as a daughter of immigrants, for example, being the first in my family to navigate higher education, there is so much more to enjoy and embrace within my identity. I have a culture that I love celebrating, I am bilingual, I have learned traditions I can pass on to my own family, and I have learned some of the best recipes from my mom and dad for making Mexican food.

Finally, having immigrant parents, gives me a family and community in Mexico and a reason to travel. One of the beautiful hidden gems in Mexico I explored with my sister and cousin a few years ago was Barra de Navidad in the state of Jalisco. I am so grateful to continue to share my culture with you all!