Executive Sponsor

Cami Feek

WIN's founder and initial executive sponsor, Lorraine Lee, introduced Cami to WIN when it was first created in 2018. When Lorraine announced her retirement in 2023, she handpicked Cami to take on her role. Lorraine's decision was based not only on Cami's years of experience and numerous achievements in state government, but also her genuine belief in WIN's mission.

“I could see immediately how the group was being developed and just how important it was,” said Cami. “I saw how this BRG was designed to expand opportunities for immigrants within state government, not only for current employees, but future employees as well. That was especially appealing to me because, in my experience, the diversity and richness, culture and thought that it brings to our workplace is significant.

“It's important to me to help us create a culture where there's genuine belonging and pathways for all people to have access to opportunities at state agencies and at the state enterprise level. I'm excited about bringing those things together; they are very much connected for me.”

About Cami Feek

Cami's career in state government started back in 1996 in a non-permanent role in a mail room. She rose to executive leadership through hard work, dedication to public service and living her values of teamwork and servant leadership.

Cami worked at the Department of Financial Institutions, General Administration (now Department of Enterprise Services), Washington State Patrol and the Attorney General's Office under both Republican and Democratic attorneys general.

In 2017, Cami helped design and stand up the nation's best Paid Family and Medical Leave program. Soon she became ESD's acting commissioner, deputy commissioner and chief operating officer. In June 2021, Cami was appointed commissioner for the Employment Security Department (ESD) by Gov. Jay Inslee.

An avid athlete and coach, Cami understands that achievement comes from cooperation and a shared vision. She translates these principles to her professional leadership, focusing her career on strategic systems design and innovative and effective operations. She knows first-hand that good government is key to bringing about quality services that Washingtonians deserve and expect.

Cami fosters diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and founded the first LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group at ESD. This resulted in the agency earning the Outstanding Agency Award from the Rainbow and Inclusion Network, the state's LGBTQ+ and ally Business Resource Group.

Cami has a Bachelor of Arts in business and public administration from The Evergreen State College, where she also earned a four-year varsity letter in soccer. She lives in Tumwater with her husband and their two children.