Hear from a man who escaped communism and made big contributions to Washington


Alex Young left China at 14, and then rose to prominence as a designer of a lot of our state's highway infrastructure. L&I's Asian Pacific American Employee Resource Group brings Mr. Young as the featured speaker for L&I's June 21 Equity and Belonging event on Zoom.

Alex Young worked for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for more than 30 years. He designed and beautified the bridges, overpasses, and pedestrian walkways that many of us see on the major highways of the state. Mr. Young used his love of modern design and his artist's talent to elevate the quality and eye-appeal of drab and dreary concrete.

Join the listening session to hear Mr. Young speak about leaving China and coming to a country where he didn't know the geography nor the customs of the U.S., and didn't speak English. Learn how he became the first in his family to graduate college then became one of the pre-eminent designer-architects at WSDOT.

L&I's Equity and Belonging Manager Sally Elliott of Human Resources will interview Mr. Young — who just happens to be her father!

Come join the session on Wednesday, June 21 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. To attend by computer, click the Equity and Belonging Zoom link and enter the passcode 56843305 at the prompt. To take part by phone, call 253 205 0468 for Webinar ID 820 6949 9898 and enter the passcode 56843305 when prompted.

If you have questions or comments or need special accommodation for the meeting, contact Sally Elliott or Hannah Stoelb.

Source:: https://lni-wa-gov.zoom.us/j/82069499898?pwd=d1NWWm12VDZyMWg1OTF4MVpHOTEzZz09