Past Events


This is a difficult time for our Turkish and Syrian families and community.

WIN will host a “Community Solidarity Gathering” in partnership with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

When: Thursday, February 23, 2023
10:00 am – 11:00 am

Join Zoom Meeting -

7.8 Earthquake Devastates Turkey and Syria

Many of us woke up on February 6, 2023, shocked to learn about the disastrous earthquake that struck in southeastern Turkey and northwestern Syria.

I was deeply saddened to learn of the devastation from the 7.8 earthquake that shattered thousands lives at 4:17am on Monday, February 6th, followed by nine-hours later by another magnitude 7.5 earthquake. More than 200 aftershocks have followed.

We have seen photos of neighborhoods in rubble and buildings flattened, while rescuers rushed to dig through concrete to pull survivors from collapsed structures, putting their lives at risk to save others, all while battling the brutal subfreezing weather conditions.

More than 20,000 lives of our brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria have been lost in the devasting quake on Monday. Our hearts, love, and thoughts are with our Turkish and Syrian communities and WIN members, as this may be a challenging time. Our sincerest hope is that your loved ones are safe.

Christina Pourarien, WIN Chair


Blacks United In Leadership and Diversity invites you to join us in celebrating Black History Month

BUILD cordially invites and welcomes you to join us as we celebrate and recognize the historical contributions, culture, and great achievements of African Americans during the annual observance of Black History Month. During the month of February 2023, BUILD will present a series of programs, events, and discussions from planning efforts led by BUILD's History and Activities Subcommittee. The Black History Month 2023 theme, “Black Resistance,” explores the resistance of African Americans, in all forms, against historical and ongoing oppression.

The BUILD February General Membership Meeting will be replaced with our main celebration event, which will be a hybrid in-person and virtual event, on Friday, February 17, 2023, from 2 pm to 5 pm.

“Blacks United In Leadership & Diversity presents Black History Month celebrating Black Resistance” at Evergreen State College – Tacoma Campus

Please register by February 15th to reserve your seat. Registration will close on this date or if room capacity is reached. The Lunch and Learn calendar appointments, which include the zoom link within, are attached. Please download and save it to your outlook calendar.


Blacks United In Leadership and Diversity invites you to join us in celebrating Black History Month

BUILD cordially invites and welcomes you to join us as we celebrate and recognize the historical contributions, culture, and great achievements of African Americans during the annual observance of Black History Month. During the month of February 2023, BUILD will present a series of programs, events, and discussions from planning efforts led by BUILD's History and Activities Subcommittee. The Black History Month 2023 theme, “Black Resistance,” explores the resistance of African Americans, in all forms, against historical and ongoing oppression.

Our second Virtual Lunch and Learn event on Thursday, February 9, from 12 pm to 1 pm. "Black Identity & Black Radical Tradition" facilitated by Terrence McCall

Register Here


Register for Real Talk! 2023

The Office of Equity invites you to join us in 2023, beginning February 8, from 11:00 –12:00pm for our Real Talk! sessions and from 12:00–12:30 pm for our Post Talks, where we will have an interactive discussion on the Real Talk! Topic.

We invite you to lean in, be curious, and engage in honest dialogue about racial equity, justice, and belonging to co-create a state government system that works for everyone.

Centered in belonging, we will unpack truth, reconcile the past, learn from one another, connect, and together, experience healing from harm. We encourage you to lean in, be curious, and explore experiences different from your own.

This is the moment and place to have real talk to truly transform our agencies into places where real people experience equity, justice, and belonging every day, now and for generations to come.

Register for Real Talk and Post Talk 2023 Series

Subscribe to monthly Real Talk news

Watch the Real Talk Introduction for more background.


Blacks United In Leadership and Diversity invites you to join us in celebrating Black History Month

BUILD cordially invites and welcomes you to join us as we celebrate and recognize the historical contributions, culture, and great achievements of African Americans during the annual observance of Black History Month. During the month of February 2023, BUILD will present a series of programs, events, and discussions from planning efforts led by BUILD's History and Activities Subcommittee. The Black History Month 2023 theme, “Black Resistance,” explores the resistance of African Americans, in all forms, against historical and ongoing oppression.

The month-long celebration will kick off next week on Thursday, February 2, with a Virtual Learn and Learn event from 12 pm to 1 pm. “History of Black Cultural Foods" facilitated by Dr. Shamyka Sutton

Register Here


Less than 3 days after the mass shooting in Monterey Park, we find ourselves responding to yet another tragedy. We are deeply saddened to learn that seven farm workers were shot and killed at two landscaping nurseries in Half Moon Bay, California. There are no words that can describe the overwhelming loss of life that has taken place over the past few days, and its impact on the Asian community, the Latinx community, the farmworker community and the communities of Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay.

Something our HAPPEN executive leadership team believes in is community self-care and healing as no one should feel that they have to process this alone. As we mourn, we also realize that everyone grieves differently, our immediate priorities involve supporting anyone that has been affected by this community trauma by providing you a platform to share your feelings, thoughts, express your fears and hopes as we process these events collectively as a community.

This is a difficult time for everyone affected and we will host a Community Solidarity Gathering in conjunction with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

When: Friday, January 27, 2023
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 3408 3648
Passcode: 024004

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+12532050468,,81334083648#,,,,*024004# US
+12532158782,,81334083648#,,,,*024004# US (Tacoma)


“On January 17th, International Mentoring Day fosters a global understanding of the mentoring movement worldwide, and the day also raises awareness for the global contributions of mentoring. On this day, we want to celebrate our Washington Immigrant Network's mentors and mentees and focus on connecting, networking, and sharing stories.

Please join us on this special celebration if you are interested in learning more about our Mentoring Program as a mentor or a mentee or just to network and make connections.”

Register Here


Searching Tools for Better Opportunities Workshop
January 11, 2022 from 11am to Noon
Presenter: Tahir Khan

Tahir was born in Pakistan, and grew up in Southern California. They serve as an Investigator with over 10 years of experience conducting investigations involving welfare fraud and personnel matters. They are passionate about continuous improvement and helping the State of Washington continue being a great place to live and work.

Register Here


Register for Real Talk! 2023

The Office of Equity invites you to join us in 2023, beginning January 11, from 11:00 –12:00pm for our Real Talk! sessions and from 12:00–12:30 pm for our Post Talks, where we will have an interactive discussion on the Real Talk! Topic.

We invite you to lean in, be curious, and engage in honest dialogue about racial equity, justice, and belonging to co-create a state government system that works for everyone.

Centered in belonging, we will unpack truth, reconcile the past, learn from one another, connect, and together, experience healing from harm. We encourage you to lean in, be curious, and explore experiences different from your own.

This is the moment and place to have real talk to truly transform our agencies into places where real people experience equity, justice, and belonging every day, now and for generations to come.

Register for Real Talk and Post Talk 2023 Series

Subscribe to monthly Real Talk news

Watch the Real Talk Introduction for more background.



Understanding how our state's legislature works can seem intimidating. It's filled with complex terms and processes that can make anyone's head spin!

ICSEW is hosting a free legislative training with the Legislative Information Center at 11 a.m. Tues. Dec. 20. They'll explain how the legislature works in simple terms to help you know what's going on during session.

How to Attend

No registration required. Simply click here when the training starts.

What will be covered

This class is an in-depth view of the bi-cameral legislative system, how it's organized, and how a bill becomes law. We'll learn:

  • A detailed review of how a bill gets introduced and who can introduce it

  • Standing committee proceedings and actions

  • Rules committee proceeding and actions

  • The amendment process

  • Activities in the opposite house dispute and concurrence resolution

  • The governor's actions and veto powers

If you have any questions or need any accommodations, send an email to

Please forward to your executive sponsor, agency communications division and anyone else who has an interest in ICSEW.


ICSEW Executive Board


The Office of Equity invites you to join us on November 16th from 11:00-12:00pm for our Real Talk session “Who Belongs? A Year in Review”, and from 12:00-12:30pm for our Post Talk, where we will have an interactive discussion on the Real Talk Topic.

We invite you to lean in, be curious, and engage in honest dialogue about racial equity, justice, and belonging to co-create a state government system that works for everyone.

Centered in belonging, we will unpack truth, reconcile the past, learn from one another, connect, and together, experience healing from harm. We encourage you to lean in, be curious, and explore experiences different from your own.

This is the moment and place to have real talk to truly transform our agencies into places where real people experience equity, justice, and belonging every day, now and for generations to come.


Interview Tips Workshop
December 13th 10 to 11 am

Presenter: Haleigh Missildine

Haleigh currently works as a recruiter for the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. She grew up in Washington State and attended Pacific Lutheran University where she received her Bachelor's in Communication/Journalism and a music minor.
(See Interview Tip Sheet)

Register Here