Past Events


In accordance with public health guidance on COVID-19, our monthly general membership meetings are going virtual.


1. Status update on WIN & BRGs (Led by Nam Nguyen)

2. Ice Breaker (Led by Kim Sauer)

3. My Immigrant Journey (Special Guest Speaker/Member: Mustafa Mohamedali)

Mustafa Mohamedali gave a little background on his winding path of settling in the US from his native Kenya and the professional and cultural challenges he faced and how he overcame them. He will also share how he has managed to channel his passion for build bridges between people and communities from diverse backgrounds to counter hate and bigotry faced by many minority communities like his right here in the Olympia area.

To register, please contact us at


Due to public health concerns related to COVID-19, our April general membership meeting in Olympia, WA, has been transitioned to a web meeting.

Presentation: How To Cope With Social Distancing by WIN's Professional Development Subcommittee Chair - Joanne Lee


Please join us for our monthly general membership meeting.

Agenda to follow


Please join us for our monthly general membership meeting.



Please join us for our monthly general membership meeting.



Please join us for our monthly general membership meeting. Our November 2019 meeting will feature a potluck and a guest speaker, Elizabeth Fontanilla.



We will welcome Marissa VanHoozer to speak about her immigrant journey. We will also have a Census 2020 presentation by Lisa McLean.



Results Washington is partnering with the Washington Immigrant Network (WIN) and the Latino Leadership Network (LLN), two Washington State Business Resource Groups, for a very important, sensitive, and timely conversation to understand the impacts of immigration on our colleagues and to learn how to support them.

This gathering will be co-hosted by LLN and WIN leaders Maria Seguenza, Marlene White, and Christine Stalie.

The current climate in the US regarding immigration impacts many people in untold ways. But those who are impacted are likely to be suffering silently with fear and worry, perhaps in shame and uncertainty. Join us to hear the voices of those who face different kinds of impacts. Through sensitive sharing, we will hear and learn about the true experiences our colleagues are facing right now. We will hear from them what we can do to support them, and we will reflect on what we each can do.

A Human Workplace fosters the practice of compassion, inclusion, and love in the workplace. This is an opportunity to put these in to practice by opening our hearts and minds to our colleagues, to convey belonging, care, respect, and support of their humanity and dignity.

Register today here to reserve your seat for this gathering.


Join us in welcoming our new 2019-2020 WIN Executive team.

We will be hosting the main WIN meeting in Olympia and a simulcast WIN meeting at Labor and Industries in Tumwater.



Join WIN's August Meeting as we review our milestones from the past year and host elections for 2019-2020 leadership team.

Please note that only active WIN members are eligible for elected officer positions.



Join us at our July meeting as we learn about other Washington State Business Resource Groups and discuss how to be diversity, equity and inclusion allies.

Join WebEx meeting by computer or phone

Meeting number (access code): 802 005 418

Meeting password: YUfNgJG3
Call: 1.855.929.3239


June is Immigrant Heritage Month.

WIN celebrated our first anniversary as a Business Resource Group and the richness immigrants bring to Washington State!

Guest speakers included Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib and Representative My-Linh Thai

Performances by Washington State employees, the Olympia Area Chinese Association, and the Oregon Korean Performing Arts

Lunch provided